Open positions

We are always looking for highly-motivated, passionate and self-driven students and researchers to join our group and conduct experimental research on the many-body electron, exciton and spin physics in low-dimensional quantum materials. Our lab will soon be equipped with state-of-the-art apparatus for performing low-temperature magneto-optical spectroscopy experiments, including both dry and wet dilution refrigerator units with direct optical access and a set of dry/wet cryostats. We will be located at the Department of Physics of the University of Basel, which provides an excellent environment for carrying out our research, including clean-room device fabrication facilities and mechanical/electronic workshops.

We currently have openings for structural Postdoctoral researcher and PhD student positions in our group!

Here you can check out the general flyer or contact directly Tomasz Smoleński for more information.

Postdoctoral researchers

If you are interested in becoming a postdoc in our group, please e-mail direcly Tomasz Smoleński with your CV (detailing your publication record and research interests) as well as at least two reference contacts. We are looking for oustanding condensed-matter physicists, particularly with experience in performing low-temperature experiments, (magneto-)optical spectroscopy (and fiber optics), exfoliation and fabrication of vdW heterostructures, clean-room processing, ultra-fast spectroscopy, and electronic transport measurements.

We are always happy to host applicants with their own funding or those who are willing to apply for postdoctoral fellowships (e.g., Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships from the European Union or Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships from SNSF).

PhD students

Candidates with excellent educational track record in solid-state physics who are interested in pursuing a PhD studies with us should e-mail Tomasz Smoleński with their CV (detailing publication record and research interests), a list of master’s courses with corresponding grades as well as at least two reference contacts. Background in optical spectroscopy or fabrication of van der Waals heterostructures is particularly welcome.

Master/semester students

We are always open for motivated students to join our group for master or semester research projects. Interested candidates should e-mail Tomasz Smoleński for details.